How We Give Back
Exhale & Paws will donate 10% of the proceeds to the non-profit organizations listed below: that train guide, seizure alert and other service dogs to help families in need.
Pawsitive Love Foundation
By providing service dogs to children & veterans, Pawsitive Love Foundation helps people find freedom. They train highly specialized dogs to assist with these invisible wounds, as well as those you can see. A properly trained Service Dog can perform tasks for the individual child or veteran that will afford independence, and remove many limitations.

Good Dog!
Service Canines
By forming a nationwide team of professionals, Good Dog! Service Canines with a shares love for the human-canine bond and passion to empower those dealing with disabilities. They continue to help children with disabilities and their families live all-around better lives through service dog companionship.

"God help me to be the person my dog thinks I am !"
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Interested in organizing a group class for your non-profit or collaborating to create awareness to help others?
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